Health Care to Community – Three Medical Camps done in 1) Goth Shafi Mohammad, 2) Goth Haji Mohammad Ali Shoro and 3) Goth Yaar Mohammad Shoro. Mobile dispensary along with the para-medic was taken to the village, where 70 patients (including elders, women and children) suffering from Flu, Cough, Fever, Influenza, Diarrhea were examined and medicines were provided.
Covid-19 Awareness Campaign – was launched on the directives of NEPRA. The local villagers were given information about the signs and symptoms and its prevention measure. Soaps, masks and sanitizers were distributed.
Covide-19 Vaccination Center – was established with the help of Town administration. 157 persons were vaccinated.
Motivation for Education Campaign – Three villages visited 1) Goth Shafi Mohammad, 2) Goth Haji Mohammad Ali Shoro and 3) Goth Yaar Mohammad Shoro. The kids not going to school were encouraged to start the education. Sweets and biscuits were distributed.
Drinking Water Distribution – Drinking water bottles distributed in Goth Shafi Mohammad and Goth Haji Mohammad Ali Shoro.
Provision of Employment – 50 number of inhabitants of Goth Haji Mohammad Ali Shoro, Goth Shafi Mohammad and Goth Haji Mohammad Ali Shoro were provided employment
Distribution of Water for Daily Usage – Approximately 155 Water Browsers provided in the villages and settlements
Skill Development – Nine (09) inhabitants from Goth Yaar Mohammad Ali Shoro, were given training of different skills and training certificates were provided.
Motivation for girls Education Campaign – done in Goth Shafi Mohammad. The girl kids were encouraged to start the education. School bags along with some initial books and stationery box and color pencils were distributed.

Din Group was established in 1954 with a small venture in Leather Industry.

Website Last Updated On 15/2/2022

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